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step 1

Commit to joining the movement.

step 2

Decide to do it solo, or grab some bro’s, unite your workplace and form a team.

step 3

Sign up online and create your personal or team profile.

step 4

Share your profile on social media and send the link to friends, family, workplaces – encouraging them to sponsor you.

step 5

Watch your donations track on your profile.

step 6

Keep sharing! Your participation goes a long way in raising funds for the Men’s Men-Tool Health and Family Violence initiatives by the She Is Not Your Rehab Foundation​.

step 7

Get prepared to spend September 6th changing the face of Men’s Mental Health with a bold Love U Bro. Put “Love U Bro” on your face (or arm, or T-shirt, get creative) and start the conversation. ​

step 8

Reach out to men in person, on text, on social media. Let them know they are loved and that their mental health matters. They do not need to struggle alone.