How your funds help

When you donate to our charity,
You’re directly contributing to initiatives that create lasting change in communities affected by family harm and violence.
Funds go towards initiatives like our FREE innovative tech solution, designed to make healing accessible for all tāne in Aotearoa. Your donation helps us develop, maintain and promote this vital resource, ensuring free tools and support to those who need it most.
Book Donation Program
Your generosity helps us continue our book donation program, supplying copies of She Is Not Your Rehab to prisons and refuges across Aotearoa. By giving the gift of this empowering book, we aim to inspire those incarcerated to embark on their healing journeys and break the cycle of violence.

Our work doesn’t stop there.
Your donations also support the development of new projects and initiatives.
Like our children’s book “This is not yours to carry” written by Sarah Brown with Matt Brown aimed at tamariki who are, or have experienced family violence. Too often the impacts of family violence are overlooked and minimised, “This is not yours to carry” aims to offer tools and empowers our tamariki to release the weight of what is not theirs to carry. We have a goal to distribute these books throughout schools and womens refuges.
Love U Bro
Join our mission to build violence-free communities by donating. Your contribution makes a difference.